2009-2015 - Urban Studio Summer School - educational program for students and young adults was provided for 7 years in Odessa (Ukraine) and Vilna (Lithuania) with support of Midrasha Zionit and Jewish Agency for Israel.
Young professionals from the field of creative industries and also amateurs took part in Urban Studio and worked together under their projects in the fields of Urban Planning, Modern Art, New Media and Social Entrepreneurship.
Urban Studio Summer School focuses on researching the role of human in modern urban environment. The main theme, serving as basis of the project, is physical, social and poetic space of interaction between people.
Participants of Urban Studio create personal art projects, using one of studio languages, such as architecture, sculpture, fine arts, photography etc. They also get content and support from educational environment of US Summer School, saturated by lectures, opinions, questions and actual information.
Urban Studio Summer School connects together different disciplines and languages, Jewish culture and identity questions with everyday life of modern city.
We are very happy with the project and we are really proud of it. More about Urban Studio - here.
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Наши клиенты — это также и наши партнеры, вот почему мы выбираем их так тщательно:
2013 -2014 - Student tourist educational program in Israel KAHOL-LAVAN lasted 5 weeks and presented the most interesting things in Israel to its participants. Among topics, provided during the program, were:
Start Up Nation - Israel as state of Start-Ups, unique inventions and developments in the fields of High-Tech, business, medical technologies, ecology etc;
Democracy - freedom of speech, tradition of Jewish democracy, political system of Israel, Israel medias. Connection between Israel Democracy and traditional Jewish culture and education;
Ideas, Ideals and Communities - social communities in Israel, volunteering, NGO, kibutzes, and global Jewish and Israeli traditions of volunteering;
Information Warfare - side of Israel, what role does it play, systems and technologies of Israel communications and PR actions, Israel Army, Ministry of Information, Diaspora and Israel, new media technologies etc;
Culture and Education - subcultures and sections, Universities, educational system.
The program was provided by Milhauz, including all necessary infrastructure and logistic decisions, and can be repeated.
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2005 -2015 Jewish Creative Summer Camp "Arts&Crafts City" (Gorod Masterov) was designed by Milhauz in partnership with educational communitie Migrash-Samara; developed and adopted by Migrash Baltia и Mitz Odessa. The methodology and concept of creative camp became demanded and very succesful. We are glad to have that project in our resume.